Individual Kit Items

Showing all 77 results

A package of bandage for conforming to the skin.

 Conforming Bandage 5cm x 4M

$1.52 ex GST
A bottle of riodine is shown.

10% Povidone Iodine Solution Dropper Bottle 15ml

$29.80 ex GST
A box of powdered iodine swabs for skin cleansing use.

10% Povidone Iodine Swabs 60 x 33mm

$0.66 ex GST
A box of alcohol swabs for skin cleansing use.

70% Isopropyl Alcohol Swabs

$2.40 ex GST
A picture of the front of a package of wipes.

Alcohol-Free Cleansing Wipes 200mm x 100mm 

$1.02 ex GST
A package of cleaning wipes for glass and metal surfaces.

Alcohol-Free Cleansing Wipes Env/10

$10.96 ex GST
A plastic bag with the words amputed parts bags on it.

Amputated Parts Bags Assorted

$2.31 ex GST
A tube of glue is sitting on the ground.

Antiseptic cream 25gm tube

$11.44 ex GST
A box of aerolid antiseptic cream.

Antiseptic Cream Sachet 1g

$3.30 ex GST
A bottle of lotion on top of green background.

Antiseptic Spray 50ml

$22.28 ex GST
A package of assorted plastic bandages.

Assorted Plasters, 5 Sizes, price per sleeve

$8.40 ex GST
A plastic bag with biohazard symbol on it.

Biological Hazard Bag

$1.20 ex GST
A person is bandaged up to burn gel.

Burn Dressing 10cm x 10cm

$10.86 ex GST
A package of burn gel for burns, scalds and sunburn.

Burn Gel Sachet

$1.65 ex GST
A box of burn gel is shown.

Burn Gel Sachet 3.5g pack/10

$19.68 ex GST
A tube of aero burn gel is shown.

Burn Gel Tube 50g

$32.32 ex GST
A fire safety sign with instructions for burning.

Burns First Aid Card

$1.47 ex GST
A box of surgical skin closures for surgery.

Butterfly Wound Closure Strips 6mm x 38mm sheet/6

$6.24 ex GST
A box of butterfly closure strips

Butterfly Wound Closures 45 x 10mm Box/10

$14.36 ex GST
A package of bandages for the arm and leg.

Calico Triangular Bandage 110cm x 110cm

$5.84 ex GST
A package of dressing for combing hair.

Combine Dressing 10cm x 10cm

$1.92 ex GST
A box of non-adherent dressings

Combine Dressing 10cm x 20cm

$1.68 ex GST
A package of comferring bandage is shown.

Conforming Bandage 10cm x 4M

$4.56 ex GST
A package of bandages for conforming to the medical procedure.

Conforming Bandage 7.5cm x 4M

$1.88 ex GST
A package of cpr faceshield

CPR Face Shield Disposable

$8.72 ex GST
A-care blue detectable dressings

Detectable Standard Strips 7.5 x 2.5cm Box/100

$35.50 ex GST
A blue and white pen with dots on it.

Diagnostic Pen Light Torch 10cm

$15.85 ex GST
A green tray is sitting on the ground.

Disposable Dressing Tray

$0.75 ex GST
A green pair of scissors is shown on the ground.

Disposable Plastic Forceps 10.7cm

$0.68 ex GST
A white plastic bag with a handle on it.

Disposable White Apron

$2.76 ex GST
A box of dressing strip fabric bandages

Dressing Strip 7.5cm x 5m

$55.86 ex GST
A package of emergency blankets for people with foot and ankle injuries.

Emergency Thermal Blanket 140cm x 210cm

$5.25 ex GST
A box of non-adherent eyepads.

Eye Pad 5.5cm x 7.7cm

$0.96 ex GST
A package of bandages for fabric

Fabric Strip Bandaid 7.2cm x 1.9cm 25 pack

$5.40 ex GST
A blue and white label for first aid fast

First Aid Leaflet DL Size

$2.10 ex GST
A pen and notebook with the words " incident report notebook ".

First Aid Notebook with Pen 7.5cm x 11.5cm

$6.32 ex GST
A package of safety pins on a green background.

First Aid Safety Pins Assorted

$2.35 ex GST
A close up of a long tweezer on a green background

Forceps Sharp Stainless Steel 13cm

$6.84 ex GST
A box of gauze swabs for hands and fingers.

Gauze Swab 3 Pcs White 7.5cm x 7.5cm

$1.68 ex GST
A package of bandage for the body

Heavy Weight Conforming Bandage 10cm x 4M

$9.00 ex GST
A package of bandage for hemorrhoids

Heavy Weight Conforming Bandage 7.5cm x 4M

$7.26 ex GST
A box of cold packs for people with minor pain.

Instant Ice Pack 80g 16cm x 9cm

$5.82 ex GST
A box of fabric bandages for knuckle protection.

Knuckle dressing – fabric – Box of 40

$37.62 ex GST
A box of non-adherent dressings

Low / Non Adherent Dressing Pad 10cm x 10cm

$2.12 ex GST
A box of non-adherent dressings

Low / Non Adherent Dressing Pad 10cm x 7.5cm

$1.08 ex GST
A box of non-adherent dressing is shown.

Low / Non Adherent Dressing Pad 5cm x 5cm

$0.36 ex GST
A roll of bandage for medical use.

Medium Cotton Crepe Bandage 10cm x 4m

$9.54 ex GST
A box of microporous paper tapes for sufferers of fingernail and toenail disorders.

Microporous Paper Tape 2.5cm x 5m (single roll only)

$3.78 ex GST
A yellow box with the words " danger " written on it.

Needle Disposal Unit 90ml

$13.74 ex GST
A package of gloves for medical use.

Nitrile Gloves Powder Free Large

$2.08 ex GST
A plastic cup with the number 5 0 on it.

Plastic Portion Cup 60ml

$1.55 ex GST
A box of pe bare sheets

Polyethylene Burn Sheet 10cm x 10cm

$0.96 ex GST
A box of pe burn sheets for athletes

Polyethylene Burn sheet 20cm x 20cm

$1.17 ex GST
A box of burn sheets for people with burns.

Polyethylene Burn Sheet 60cm x 90cm

$4.14 ex GST
A box of bandages for the wrist and ankle.

Premium Detectable X-Wide Strip 7.5 x 2.5cm Box/100

$65.20 ex GST
A package of assorted fabric bandages.

Premium Fabric Assorted Dressings Env/20

$4.36 ex GST
A box of bandages for large patches

Premium Fabric Bandages – Patches

$20.46 ex GST
A box of fabric bandages for wrist and hand.

Premium Fabric X-Wide Strip 7.5 x 2.5cm Box/50 box

$20.64 ex GST
A roll of bandaids with the words " premium heavyweight conforming bandaid ".

Premium Heavy Weight Conforming Bandage 10cm x 4.5m

$6.51 ex GST
A roll of bandaids with the words " premium heavyweight conforming bandaid ".

Premium Heavy Weight Conforming Bandage 10cm x 4.5m

$6.51 ex GST
A box of bandages for finger and toe surgery.

Premium Standard Strip Bandaid 7.2cm x 1.9cm Box 50

$11.10 ex GST
A box of sports tape is shown.

Rigid Sports Tape large 5cm x 13.7M 

$25.36 ex GST
A box of sports tape for athletes

Rigid Sports Tape medium 3.8cm x 13.7M

$19.72 ex GST
A pair of scissors with a green background

Scissors – S/S – Sharp/Sharp 9cm

$3.75 ex GST
A package of wooden toothpicks with the word " aero " written on it.

Single End Applicators pack/5

$1.14 ex GST
A roll of bandage for snake bite.

Snake Bite Bandage w/indicator 10cm x 10.5m

$20.28 ex GST
A bottle of toothpaste on a green background

Sodium Chloride Eye Wash Ampoule 15ml

$1.52 ex GST
A package of bandages for wound protection.

Standard Strip Bandaid 7.2cm x 1.9cm x pack 25

$4.52 ex GST
A box of gauze swabs for hands and feet.

Sterile Gauze Swabs 7.5cm x 7.5cm pack/5

$1.92 ex GST
A white mask is sitting on top of a green background.

Surgical Mask with Eye Shield

$11.60 ex GST
A box of transparent tape on the side of a body.

Transparent tape Microporous 2.5cm x 5m – each

$7.26 ex GST
A pair of scissors is shown with the handle bent.

Universal Scissors 19cm

$11.56 ex GST
A box of bandages for the wrist and ankle.

Waterproof Island Dressing 6cm x 7cm

$4.92 ex GST
A package of wound dressing for an unkempt area.

Wound Dressing #13 8cm x 10cm

$4.04 ex GST
A package of wound dressings for the treatment of wounds.

Wound Dressing #14 12cm x 12cm

$6.20 ex GST
A package of wound dressing with instructions.

Wound Dressing #15 18cm x 18cm

$8.20 ex GST
A box of tape for taping the elbow joint.

Zinc oxide fabric tape 2.5cm x 5m

$9.12 ex GST